
Keys Unlocked! For Moving to a Higher Level of Improvisation and Confidence in Any Musical Situation 即興演奏

$240TWD - $240TWD
$240TWD - $240TWD

這本全新的 84 頁袖珍手冊不僅教你如何用全部 12 個調來演奏,還教你為什麼必須用全部 12 個調來演奏。本書獻給所有音樂家,他們認識到爵士樂即興演奏的最高境界需要終生的成長,但他們選擇通過努力縮小每一個差距來應對挑戰,以充分發揮自己的潛能。在任何音樂環境中,都能邁向更高水準的自信"

作曲家: Jerry Coker
出版社: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
難度: Intermediate / Advanced;
風格: Jazz
This new 84-page pocket-sized handbook teaches you not only how to play in all 12 keys, but also why it is essential to play in all 12 keys. This book is dedicated to all musicians who recognize that jazz improvisation, at its highest level of achievement, requires a lifetime of growth, yet have chosen to respond to the challenge by working to close every gap in order to realize their fullest potential. Move to a higher level of confidence in any musical situation.

頁數: 84
重量(g): 68.0388555
ISBN: 9781562240769
UPC: 635621500969
