
The Creative Nudge That Fuels Jazz Improvisation All You Need Is a Little Information 即興演奏

$320TWD - $320TWD
$320TWD - $320TWD

為什麼音樂家選擇爵士即興演奏作為創作的出口?我們為什麼要創作這種音樂,我們為誰創作?你需要的只是一點資訊。本書探討了練習、表演、技巧和音樂家精神的 "怎麼做"、"做什麼 "和 "為什麼做"。有時,只需輕輕一點,就能讓你的演奏更上一層樓。爵士樂教育大師傑裡-科克爾(Jerry Coker)編寫了這本結構嚴謹的好書,總結了有關爵士樂和爵士樂即興演奏的幾個重要主題,為我們提供了亟需的提示。6x9 平裝本。特色:爵士樂學習準備 * 取得最大成果 * 車輛/曲調類型 * 樂器技巧和音色 * 音階和鍵盤活動 * 聆聽和耳朵訓練 * 爵士樂教學 * 曲目 * 以及更多。傑裡-庫克的《創意提示》是爵士音樂家的 "HGH(人類生長激素)"--唯一合法且無危險副作用。它是即興演奏家的類固醇,通過將能量重新集中到特定的學習和練習領域來刺激藝術成長。科克爾坦誠地向所有爵士樂手--從初學者到高級演奏家--闡述了自己的觀點,結構嚴謹,但不迂腐,娓娓道來,卻又慷慨激昂。這本書共 63 頁,蘊含著爵士樂即興演奏者畢生奉獻和豐富的智慧。---史蒂夫-克魯斯(Steve Crews),爵士鋼琴大師、賈米-艾伯索爾爵士四重奏(Jamey Aebersold Jazz Quartet)成員 這本小冊子我唯讀了一章,就被庫克積極的人生觀所震撼。我很高興買了這本書,而且愛不釋手!---來自麻塞諸塞州的Jamey Aebersold爵士樂客戶Rick Schrenker 我喜歡您的新書!我剛剛讀完這本書,對書中的很多內容都非常認同--尤其是我腦子裡日思夜想的旋律和曲調。我也一直認為,演奏的巔峰不是表演,而是練習。我在練習中得到的快樂比演奏中得到的快樂要多得多--通常是因為這是我對自己世界的一種逃避,我的演奏無法與我在家裡的演奏相提並論。我也很喜歡美學一章,非常贊同。您真的點亮了我的世界!您的教學指南反映了您對教學的熱愛,應該成為我們所有人的指南!您將繼續激勵我們!---爵士長號手、暑期爵士樂講習班教員瑞克-西默利

作曲家: Jerry Coker
出版社: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
難度: Intermediate / Advanced;
風格: Jazz
Why do musicians choose jazz Improvisation as an outlet for creativity? Why are we creating this music and who are we creating it for? All you need is a little information. This book explores the "hows, whats, and whys" of practice, performance, technique, and musicianship. Sometimes, it only takes a nudge to move your playing to the next level. Master Jazz Educator Jerry Coker has put together this wonderfully-structured text summarizing several important topics regarding jazz and jazz improvisatio---giving us all that much needed nudge. 6"x9" paperback. Features: Jazz Study Preparation * Achieving Maximum Results * Vehicle / Tune Types * Instrumental Techniques and Tone * Scales and Keyboard Activities * Listening and Ear Training * Teaching Jazz * Repertoire * and much more. "Jerry Coker's Creative Nudge is an HGH (human growth harmone) for jazz musicians---only legal and void of dangerous side effects. It is an improviser's steroid that stimulates artistic growth by refocusing energy into specific areas of study and practice. Coker speaks candidly to all jazz musicians---from beginners to advanced players---in a manner that is structured, but not pedantic---conversational, yet impassioned. Its 63 pages contain wisdom gleaned by a life dedicated to and enriched by jazz improvisation." ---Steve Crews, master Jazz Pianist and member of the Jamey Aebersold Jazz Quartet "I'm all of one chapter into this pamphlet and am blown away by the positive nature of Coker's outlook. I am so glad I bought this and cannot put it down!" ---Rick Schrenker, Jamey Aebersold Jazz customer from Massachussetts "I love your new book! I just read it and really identified with much of the book---particularly "melodies and tunes in my head" all day and night. I have also always felt that the pinnacle of playing is not a performance but the practicing. I get a lot more pleasure practicing that I do performing---often because it's my escape into a world all my own and my performances don't compare to what I play at home. I also loved the aesthetics chapter and couldn't agree more. You really brightened up my world! Your teaching guidelines mirror your love of teaching and should be guidelines for all of us! You continue to inspire!" ---Rick Simerly, jazz trombonist and Summer Jazz Workshops faculty member

頁數: 64
重量(g): 90.718474
ISBN: 9781562240523
UPC: 635621501089
