
Piece In D For French Horn And Piano 小品 法國號 鋼琴

$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD

"法國作曲家亨利-比塞爾於 1889 年考入巴黎音樂學院。他贏得了 1893 年羅馬大獎,並在作曲家、指揮家、教師和管風琴演奏家的職業生涯中取得了巨大成功。他為各種樂器創作的作品都非常出色,為法國圓號和鋼琴創作的《D 調小品》也不例外。 正如《D調小品》所反映的那樣,布瑟的作曲風格精緻而又忠實於 19 世紀的法國傳統。作品的元素包括半音階、寬音域、複雜節奏、音階段落和寬音程。對於所有高級圓號演奏家來說,《Büsser 的 D 調小品》是豐富曲目中必不可少的曲目"

作曲家: Henri Busser
樂器: Horn
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Piece In D For French Horn

“French composer, Henri Büsser entered the Paris Conservatoire in 1889. He won the 1893 Prix de Rome and led a highly successful career as a composer, conductor, teacher and organist. His compositions for a variety of instruments are exceptional, Piece in D for French Horn and Piano being no exception. As reflected in Piece in D, Büsser's compositional style was sophisticated, yet true to the 19th century French tradition. Elements of the work include include, chromaticism, use of a wide tessitura, complex rhythms, scalic passages and wide intervals. For all advanced Horn players, Büsser's Piece in D is essential to a varied repertoire.”
頁數: 11
重量(g): 76.545
UPC: 888680836801