
Orchestral Studies - Stage Works Band 4 Arabella - Die schweigsame Frau - Daphne - Capriccio - Die Liebe der Danae - Friedenstag 史特勞斯理查 管弦樂團 阿拉貝拉 達芙尼隨想曲 和平的日子 法國號教材

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$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD

理查-施特勞斯舞臺作品管弦樂研究的前兩卷出版以來,已經過去了很多年,現在這套叢書將繼續出版作曲家中後期作品的選段。"在編寫本新版時,我們不僅十分注意收錄技術難度較高的段落,而且還考慮到了有關作品的特色部分。 節拍器標記和排練編號與現有的完整樂譜和聲部中使用的相同"

作曲家: Strauss, Richard
編者: Klamand, Olaf
樂器: horn
出版社: Verlag Dr. Richard Strauss
A number of years have passed since the publication of the first two volumes of orchestral studies based on stage works by Richard Strauss, but the series is now continued with excerpts from works from works from the composer's middle and later periods.In preparing the present new edition, great care has been taken not only to include technically difficult passages but also to take account of sections which are characteristic of the work in question. Exposed passages, which experience suggests are often demanded at auditions, are highlighted by the sign P = primary passage.Metronome markings and rehearsal numbers are identical to those used in the full scores and parts that are currently available.

頁數: 89
重量(g): 330
ISMN: 9790501180011
