
Rêverie Op. 24 for Horn in F and Piano 葛拉祖諾夫 法國號 鋼琴 夢 法國號(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$520TWD - $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD

作為一名作曲家,亞歷山大-格拉祖諾夫在晚期浪漫主義交響樂和室內樂方面都遊刃有餘。他的短篇獨奏曲因其迷人的旋律和對細節的關注而給人留下深刻印象,為圓號和鋼琴而作的 Rêverie 也是如此。格拉祖諾夫本身就是一名出色的圓號演奏家,年輕時曾在多個管弦樂隊中演奏。正是在這個時期,格拉祖諾夫創作了這首極富浪漫主義色彩的作品,將圓號這一樂器旋律優美的特質展現得淋漓盡致。即使對高年級的學生來說,這也是一首高效的獨奏曲,它首次以Urtext版本出版;除了第一版,Henle還首次查閱了格拉祖諾夫在聖彼德堡俄羅斯國家圖書館的親筆簽名

作曲家: Alexander Glazunov
校訂者: Dominik Rahmer
樂器: French Horn; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
As a composer, Alexander Glazunov was as at home in the late Romantic symphony as he was in chamber music forms. His shorter solo pieces impress on account of their enchanting melodies and their attention to detail, which is also true of the Rêverie for horn and piano. Glazunov was himself a good horn player and played in several orchestras as a young student. It was at this time that Glazunov composed this highly romantic work in which he showed off the melodious qualities of this instrument to their best advantage. It is an effective recital piece, even for advanced pupils, and is being published for the first time as an Urtext edition; alongside the first edition Henle also consulted Glazunov's autograph in the National Library of Russia in St Petersburg for the first time.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 79.38
UPC: 888680103262
