
Symphony in E-flat Major, Hob. I:99 Study Score 海頓 交響曲 總譜 亨乐版

$680TWD - $680TWD
$680TWD - $680TWD

1794年2月初,海頓抵達倫敦,開始了他在英國的第二次逗留。此時,降 E 大調交響曲 Hob.I:99 已經完成,並於 2 月 10 日首演。次日的評論顯示:"這是我們曾目睹過的最偉大的藝術作品之一[......]。[......]--觀眾報以熱烈的掌聲"。因此,無論從哪個角度看,這都是一部非凡的作品,因為它首次在海頓交響曲中使用了單簧管,並以巧妙的對位法構成了終曲"

作曲家: Joseph Haydn
校訂者: Horst Walter
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Haydn arrived in London at the beginning of February 1794 for his second stay in England. At this point in time, the Symphony in E-flat major Hob. I:99 had already been completed and was premiered on 10 February. Audiences and the press were enthusiastic, as a review from the following day shows, “It is one of the grandest efforts of art that we ever witnessed. [...] - It was received with rapturous applause.” Thus, an exceptional work in every sense, also for the first use of clarinets in a Haydn symphony, and for the artful counterpoint that structures the finale.

To everyone wishing to become more acquainted with this symphony, let this inexpensive study edition be commended - with reliable commentaries on its genesis, sources, and edition as well as an unassailable musical text taken from the Haydn Complete Edition.

頁數: 62
重量(g): 158.76
UPC: 840126951943
