
Symphony in D Major, Hob. I:101 (The Clock) Study Score 海頓 交響曲 總譜 亨乐版

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$730TWD - $730TWD

海頓於 1794 年 2 月初抵達倫敦,開始他在英國的第二次逗留。此時,他已完成了《D大調交響曲 Hob.I:101》的三個樂章,完成後的作品於 3 月 3 日首演。就連首演時的觀眾也注意到了第二樂章中鐘擺式的伴奏,事實上,在一篇評論中也明確提到了這一點: "對安多特伴奏的處理雖然非常簡單,但卻是大師級的"。顯然,均勻的滴答擺動激發了聽眾的想像力,以至於在十九世紀後期,"時鐘 "這個綽號開始使用。雖然這個名字可能與海頓毫無關係,但今天聆聽這首著名的第二樂章時,你還能不產生聯想嗎

作曲家: Joseph Haydn
校訂者: Horst Walter
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Haydn arrived in London at the beginning of February 1794 for his second stay in England. By this time, he had completed three movements of the Symphony in D major Hob. I:101, and the finished work was premiered on 3 March. Even the members of the audience at the premiere took note of the pendulum-like accompanying figure in the second movement, which was in fact explicitly mentioned in a review: “The management of the accompaniments of the andante, though perfectly simple, was masterly.” The even tick-tock oscillations sparked the imagination of listeners so much, apparently, that the nickname “Clock” came into use later in the nineteenth century. And while this name may have nothing to do with Haydn, is it even possible to listen to the famous second movement today without making the association?

To everyone wishing to become more acquainted with this symphony, let this inexpensive study edition be commended - with reliable commentaries on its genesis, sources, and edition as well as an unassailable musical text taken from the Haydn Complete Edition.

頁數: 93
重量(g): 209.79
UPC: 840126951905
