
Symphony in C Major, Hob. I:97 Study Score 海頓 交響曲 總譜 亨乐版

$680TWD - $680TWD
$680TWD - $680TWD

12首 "倫敦交響曲 "是海頓交響樂作品中最崇高的終曲。這些交響曲是為倫敦音樂家約翰-彼得-薩洛蒙(Johann Peter Salomon)而作,海頓於 1791/92 年和 1794/95 年在英國大都會長期逗留期間親自指揮了這些交響曲的首演。降E大調第103號交響曲創作於1795年,是海頓在倫敦的首演。第103號降E大調交響曲創作於1795年,是倫敦交響曲的倒數第二部。它的名字源於其獨特的開頭:定音鼓獨奏的鼓聲拉開了緩慢的引子。這個開頭小節標有海頓的標題 "Intrada "和停頓,甚至激發了許多演奏者大膽地用定音鼓即興演奏一小段。本研究版採用海頓全集的音樂文本,從而保證了最高的學術品質。翔實的前言和簡短的評論報告使這本簡便的樂譜成為目前和即將成為海頓樂迷的理想伴侶"

作曲家: Joseph Haydn
校訂者: Robert v. Zahn
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The twelve “London Symphonies” comprise the sublime final statement of Haydn's symphonic oeuvre. They were written for the London impresario Johann Peter Salomon, and Haydn himself conducted their premieres during his lengthy stays in the English metropolis in 1791/92 and 1794/95.

In his C-major symphony, performed for the first time in May 1792, Haydn bestowed a particular honour on Salomon, who was also the leader of the orchestra: At the end of the minuet, he wrote a little solo in the upper octave, allowing Salomon to quite literally set himself apart from the rest of the strings.

This study edition adopts the musical text of the Haydn Complete Edition, thereby guaranteeing the highest scholarly quality. An informative preface and a brief Critical Report make the handy score an ideal companion for all current and soon-to-be Haydn fans.

頁數: 75
重量(g): 167.265
UPC: 840126951936
