
Wunderkind Sonatas, Volume 2, K. 10-15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Wunderkind Sonatas, Volume 2, K. 10-1 莫札特 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

1764年,8歲的莫札特在倫敦寫下了K.10-15奏鳴曲。利奧波德-莫札特只能從上帝賜予的奇跡的角度來理解他兒子的音樂天才: "我的孩子[......]以他 8 歲的年齡就懂得了一個 40 歲的男人所應懂得的一切。總之,沒有親眼目睹或親耳所聞的人是無法相信的"。根據扉頁介紹,這六首奏鳴曲既可以作為鋼琴三重奏、小提琴奏鳴曲演奏,也可以作為鋼琴獨奏。由於亨勒已經以鋼琴三重奏和小提琴奏鳴曲的形式出版過這些作品(HN 1078),現在他們又為鋼琴獨奏推出了Urtext版本"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Wolf-Dieter Seiffert
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In 1764 the eight-year-old Mozart wrote the Sonatas K. 10-15 in London. Leopold Mozart was only able to understand his son's musical genius in terms of it being a God-given wonder: “That my boy [...] knows all of this with his 8 years that could be expected of a man of forty years. In short: whoever has not seen or heard it, cannot believe it”. According to the title page the six sonatas can either be played as piano trios, violin sonatas or simply piano solo. As Henle has already published them in the form of piano trios and violin sonatas (HN 1078), they now present them in an Urtext edition for piano solo.

頁數: 48
重量(g): 212.625
UPC: 884088915339
