
Waltz in D Flat Major Op. 64 (Minute) Piano Solo 蕭邦 圓舞曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$350TWD - $350TWD

"一分鐘圓舞曲 "這一流行昵稱不應誤導鋼琴家過於草率地演奏這首 "珍珠串"。另一個更有效的綽號是 "小狗"(Petit Chien),在法國經常使用。根據喬治-桑(George Sand)的說法,這首作品 64 中的降 D 大調圓舞曲的靈感來自於一隻小狗的演奏--這當然與開頭充滿活力的動機相得益彰,小狗在(或圍繞著降 A 音)旋轉,令人愉悅和信服。蕭邦將這首創作於 1847 年的三首圓舞曲作品 64 中的第一首獻給了他以前在巴黎的鋼琴學生和多年的朋友--波蘭伯爵夫人德爾菲娜-波托卡,她的音樂晚會為這樣一首音樂瑰寶提供了理想的環境

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ewald Zimmermann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The popular nickname “Minute Waltz” should not mislead the pianist into playing this “string of pearls” too hastily. Another nickname is more effective, that of “Petit Chien” (Puppy) that is frequently used in France. According to George Sand, the D flat Major waltz from op. 64 was inspired by a little dog playing – which certainly lends itself delightfully and convincingly to a dynamically charged opening motif with a little dog whirling about (or around the note A flat.) Chopin dedicated this first of the Three Waltzes op. 64, written in 1847, to his former Parisian piano student and friend of many yearsthe Polish Countess Delfina Potocka, whose musical soirees provided the ideal setting for a musical jewel like this.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 53.865
UPC: 884088177799
