
Waltz in C Sharp minor Op. 64 Piano Solo 蕭邦 圓舞曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$360TWD - $360TWD

蕭邦在 1847 年創作的三首圓舞曲作品 64 中,每一首都獻給了一位男爵夫人或伯爵夫人,這絕非巧合:貴族女士是這首音樂的理想聽眾,她們既是演奏者,也是音樂活動的女主人。獻給他的學生夏洛特-德-羅斯柴爾德男爵夫人的這首升調 C 小調慢板圓舞曲很快就超越了這些社會障礙。這首曲子以其深情的歎息為主題,如今已成為蕭邦最受歡迎的旋律之一"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ewald Zimmermann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
It is hardly a coincidence that Chopin dedicated each of his Three Waltzes op. 64, written in 1847, to a baroness or countess: aristocratic ladies offered the ideal public for this music, both as performers and as hostesses of musical events. This C sharp minor Waltz in a Slow Tempo. dedicated to his student the Baroness Charlotte de Rothschild, soon surpassed such social barriers. With its soulful sighing motif, it ranks today as one of Chopin's most popular melodies.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 53.865
UPC: 884088177720
