
Sonata for Piano and Violin in A Major Op. 47 (Kreutzer-Sonata) Violin and Piano 貝多芬 奏鳴曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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貝多芬在短短十五年間(1797 年至 1812 年)創作了十首小提琴和鋼琴奏鳴曲。令人印象深刻的是,在這一體裁中,他再次奉行為每部作品尋找新模式的原則。在《A 大調奏鳴曲作品 47》中,他為每首作品都單獨出版了一個版本。在這首首次單獨出版的作品 47 中,開場的 "坎登紮 "式、無伴奏小提琴以及貫穿全曲的協奏曲風格為這一體裁注入了新的活力。貝多芬在原扉頁上寫道 "scritta in un stil molto concertante quasi come d'un Concerto"(以非常協奏的風格寫成,就像協奏曲一樣)。他將這首奏鳴曲獻給了巴黎小提琴家羅多爾夫-克羅伊澤,因此這首奏鳴曲被稱為 "克羅伊澤奏鳴曲"。我們精心製作的Urtext版本以親筆簽名片段、德文原版、英文初版以及G. Henle出版社發現的抄寫員W. Schlemmer工作室的重要手稿副本為基礎。該副本經貝多芬修改後,成為原版的雕刻副本。貝多芬全集》的編輯和貝多芬研究者西哈德-勃蘭登堡(Siehard Brandenburg)也負責這部作品。他在序言中介紹了有關版本的重要細節,為我們的這一傑作版本畫上了圓滿的句號"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Sieghard Brandenburg
樂器: Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Beethoven wrote ten sonatas for violin and piano during a period of only fifteen years (from 1797 to 1812). It is impressive how in this genre he again pursued the principle of finding a new model for each individual work. In the Sonata in A Major op. 47, which is published here separately for the first time, a new dimension is introduced to the genre right by the candenza-like opening, by the unaccompanied violin and by the concertante-virtuoso style throughout. On the original title page Beethoven aptly remarked: “scritta in un stil molto concertante quasi come d'un Concerto” (written in a very concertante style, as if for a concerto). He dedicated the sonata to the Parisian violinist Rodolphe Kreutzer, for which reason it is called the “Kreutzer Sonata”. Our meticulous Urtext edition is based on the fragment of the autograph, the German original edition, the English first edition and on an important manuscript copy from the workshop of copyist W. Schlemmer discovered by G. Henle Publishers. This copy, with corrections by Beethoven, served as the engraver's copy for the original edition. Editor and Beethoven researcher Siehard Brandenburg was also responsible for this work in the Beethoven Complete Edition. His preface, with important details concerning the edition, rounds off our edition of this masterpiece.

頁數: 81
重量(g): 357.21
UPC: 884088178314
