
Scherzi Piano 蕭邦 鋼琴 亨乐版

$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

弗雷德里克-蕭邦的 4 首《舍利子》是浪漫主義鋼琴曲目的高峰。蕭邦在這首作品中採用了傳統的體裁,並注入了全新的內容。儘管曲名的原意是 "玩笑",但這四首小夜曲的音調狂野、妖冶,幾乎沒有玩笑的成分。羅伯特-舒曼在談到第一首迴旋曲時問道 "當'玩笑'也被蒙上黑色面紗時,嚴肅該如何著裝?" 現在,第 1-4 號《迴旋曲》的修訂獨立版本已經出版,G. Henle 出版社現推出所有四部作品的平裝本和精裝本,該版本反映了蕭邦研究的現狀。註腳和互聯網上的大量評論報告都提供了有關 "蕭邦變體 "這一熟悉話題及其引發的所有文本問題的詳細資訊。這是蕭邦的巔峰之作!

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Norbert Müllemann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Frédéric Chopin's 4 Scherzi are high points in the Romantic piano repertoire. Chopin here takes a traditional genre and fills it with radically new content. They are wild, demonic in tone, and there is little about them that is joke-like, despite the original meaning of their title. Referring to the 1st Scherzo, Robert Schumann asked: “how should seriousness be attired, when even a 'joke' is veiled in black?” Now that the Scherzi nos. 1-4 have been published in revised stand-alone editions, G. Henle Publishers is now offering all four in paperback and hardback, in an edition that reflects the current state of Chopin research. Both the footnotes and the extensive Critical Report on the Internet offer detailed information on the familiar topic of “Chopin variants” and on all the textual problems they raise. This is Chopin in top form!

頁數: 138
重量(g): 490.455
UPC: 888680924942
