
Polonaise Brillante C Major Op. 3 and Duo Concertant E Major Cello and Piano 蕭邦 波蘭舞曲 二重奏 大提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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蕭邦受他的朋友、著名大提琴家奧古斯特-弗朗科姆的影響,創作了多部大提琴作品,其中包括根據梅耶比爾的歌劇《羅伯爾-勒-可鄙的人》改編的《大雙協奏曲》。弗朗科姆親自參與了大提琴部分的創作。早期的波羅乃茲作品 蕭邦巧妙地將大提琴的婉轉旋律與鋼琴的絢麗焰火融為一體。這是一部令人眼花繚亂、充滿能量的早期傑作!

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ernst-Günter Heinemann
樂器: Cello; Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Chopin: Polonaise brillante op. 3 and Duo concertant for Piano and Violoncello

Chopin composed several works for cello, influenced by his friend the famous cellist Auguste Franchomme; the Grand Duo Concertant, an opera paraphrase on Meyerbeer's “Rober le Diable,” is among them. Franchomme personally participated in the elaboration of the cello part. The early Polonaise op. 3 with slow introduction was written by Chopin for the cello-playing Polish Prince Radziwill; Chopin cleverly underlays the cantabile melodies of the cello with fireworks of pianistic brilliance. A dazzling, energy-laden early masterpiece!
頁數: 56
重量(g): 328.86
UPC: 884088178932