
Piano Sonata in F Major K280 (189e) 莫札特 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$360TWD - $360TWD

六首奏鳴曲 K. 279-284 大概寫於 1775 年初。莫札特在巴黎之行(1777-1779 年)寄給父親的信中提到了這六首奏鳴曲。 在這些信中,他經常稱這些奏鳴曲為 "高難度奏鳴曲"--可能是指特殊的詮釋要求。因此,他在這些作品中加入了豐富的動態和銜接記號,並建議在演奏時保持一定的節奏。K. 280奏鳴曲因其憂鬱的F小調中間樂章而在早期奏鳴曲中佔有特殊地位,現在也有了一個實用合理的單行本,該版本選自我們的莫札特奏鳴曲全集

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The Six Sonatas K. 279-284 were probably written around the beginning of 1775. Mozart refers to them in letters that he sent to his father from his trip to Paris (1777-1779). In these letters he often refers to them as the “difficult sonatas” – probably alluding to the special interpretative demands. He thus provided these works with rich dynamic and articulative markings, advising a reserved tempo for their performance. The Sonata K. 280, which has a special place amongst the early sonatas due to ist melancholy middle movement in F minor, is now also available as a practical and reasonable single edition, which has been taken from our edition of the complete Mozart sonatas.

頁數: 18
重量(g): 99.225
UPC: 884088598716
