
Piano Sonata In E Minor Hob. XVI: 34 鋼琴 奏鳴曲 e小調

$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

在海頓的鋼琴奏鳴曲中,只有少數幾首是小調奏鳴曲,而且它們的基調都是陰鬱的、挑釁性的。這首著名的 e 小調奏鳴曲以急躁、悸動的動機開場,這無疑是這位維也納大師最富激情的樂章之一。與之形成鮮明對比的是,G 大調中段樂章將我們帶入了一個充滿光明的不同世界。尾聲以一種躁動不安的方式開始,大小調的交替為整部作品畫上了一個歡快的諷刺句號。在這裡,您可以重新發現海頓奏鳴曲中的這顆明珠,穆雷-佩拉希亞(Murray Perahia)的指法將人體工程學與對音樂的極度敏感結合在一起!作為海頓所有鋼琴奏鳴曲修訂版的一部分,這一實用的亨勒烏爾文版的音樂文本已與最新研究成果保持一致"

作曲家: Franz Haydn
樂器: Piano
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
Only a few of Haydn's piano sonatas are in the minor mode, and they are all sombre and defiant in tone. This famous sonata in e minor opens with an impatient, throbbing motif in what is surely one of the most passionate movements by this Viennese master. The middle movement in G major, by contrast, transports us into a different world that is flooded with light. The finale sets off in a restless manner, and its alternation of major and minor provides a cheerfully ironic close to the work. You can discover this pearl among Haydn's sonatas anew here, with fingerings by Murray Perahia that combine ergonomics with the utmost sensitivity to the music!The musical text of this practical Henle Urtext edition has been brought in line with the latest research as part of a revision of all of Haydn's piano sonatas.

尺寸(cm): 31.115cm*23.495cm
頁數: 18
重量(g): 104.895
UPC: 196288116554
