
Piano Sonata in E Flat Major K282 (189g) Piano Solo 莫札特 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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莫札特唯一的一首降E大調鋼琴奏鳴曲可能是他於1775年初在慕尼克逗留期間創作的。它的第一樂章--不落俗套的快板--是這位元年輕天才的作品之一,立即給人以深刻的觸動。隨後是兩首小步舞曲,靈感來自木管樂器的音色;最後是 2/4 快速終曲,其開頭的動機引人注目,為這首中等難度的傑作畫上了句號。莫札特的手稿是唯一與編輯相關的資料來源,所有早期的印刷版本都被證明是有缺陷的"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Mozart: Sonata E flat major KV 282 (189g)

Mozart's only piano sonata in E-flat major was probably written during his stay in Munich in early 1775. Its first movement – an Adagio, unconventionally – is one of those pieces by the young genius that are immediately and profoundly touching. Two minuets follow, inspired by the timbre of woodwinds; and a quick finale in 2/4 with a striking opening motive concludes this masterwork of medium difficulty. Mozart's clean manuscript copy is the only editorially relevant source, all the early print editions having proved flawed.
頁數: 16
重量(g): 82.215
UPC: 884088172688