
Piano Sonata in B-flat Major, K281 (189f) 莫札特 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$450TWD - $450TWD
$450TWD - $450TWD

莫札特在信中稱他早期的鋼琴奏鳴曲K.270-284是 "困難的奏鳴曲"。他指的可能與其說是演奏上的精益求精,不如說是美學和詮釋上的要求,因為在動態和銜接方面,他也給這些作品做了異常豐富的標記。降B大調奏鳴曲K.281》的中樂章 "Andante amoroso "的速度標記對於莫札特來說並不常見--但是否有更好的方式來描述這首溫柔抒情的音樂呢?迄今為止,這首可愛的奏鳴曲只收錄在較大的全集(HN 1)中,但現在它以廉價的單行本面世了"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In his letters Mozart described his early Piano Sonatas K. 270-284 as being “difficult sonatas.” He was probably referring less to the refinements of performance and more to the demands of aesthetics and interpretation, as he also gave these works unusually rich markings as far as dynamics and articulation were concerned. The tempo marking “Andante amoroso,” rather untypical for Mozart, for the middle movement of his Sonata in B flatmajor K. 281 is striking – but is there a better way to describe this tender, lyrical music? Up to now this lovely sonata was only contained in the larger complete volume (HN 1), but now it is offered in an inexpensive single edition.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 884088642310
