
Nocturne in G Major Op. 37 Piano Solo 蕭邦 夜曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$360TWD - $360TWD

夜曲作品 37 之 2 創作於 1839 年的夜曲作品 37 之 2 是一個完美的例子,它以豐富、珍珠般的三度和六度層層遞進,使蕭邦的鋼琴作品一直名列前茅,並在今天和他的時代一樣受到人們的喜愛。雖然作品 37 的親筆簽名已不復存在,但現存有一份由 Breikopf & Hartel 出版的 1840 年版的雕刻校樣,並由蕭邦本人進行了校正。我們的Urtext版本當然也參考了這一資料"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ewald Zimmermann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The Nocturne op. 37 no. 2, composed in 1839, is a perfect example of the rich, pearling cascades of thirds and sixths that keep Chopin's piano works at the top of the popularity list and as beloved today as in his time. Although no autograph of op. 37 has survived, an engraver's examplar for the 1840 edition from Breikopf & Hartel is extant, and was corrected by Chopin himself. We have of course consulted this source for our Urtext edition.

頁數: 7
重量(g): 53.865
UPC: 884088177751
