
Nocturne in E Flat Major Op. 9 Piano Solo 蕭邦 夜曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$280TWD - $280TWD
$280TWD - $280TWD

蕭邦的降 E 大調夜曲 op. 毫無疑問,蕭邦的《降 E 大調夜曲》作品 9 之 2 是這一體裁中最受喜愛的作品之一,甚至可能是蕭邦全部作品中最受喜愛的作品之一。與歌劇風格相呼應,感性的 "小調 "旋律編織出阿拉伯式的音調,每一次重複都更具裝飾性。這首曲子是如此難以抗拒,以至於衍生出許多改編曲。G. Henle Verlag 出版社的《Urtext》單行本以其優雅的雕刻,使蕭邦的這首原創雙手鋼琴作品以幾乎令人難以置信的經濟價格面世

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ewald Zimmermann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Chopin's Nocturne in E flat Major op. 9 no. 2 belongs without a doubt among the most beloved works of this genre, and perhaps even of Chopin's entire oeuvre. Echoing the operatic style, the sensual bel canto melody weaves arabesques of tones that become more ornamented with each repetition. The piece is so irresistible that it has spawned many arrangements. With its elegant engraving, G. Henle Verlag's Urtext separate publication makes Chopin's original work for piano two-hands available at an almost unbelievably economical price.

頁數: 4
重量(g): 48.195
UPC: 884088177812
