
Nocturne in C Sharp minor Op. Posth. Piano Solo 蕭邦 夜曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$280TWD - $280TWD
$280TWD - $280TWD

羅曼-波蘭斯基(Roman Polanski)的成功電影《鋼琴師》(The Pianist)將人們的目光聚焦在蕭邦的《升 c 小調夜曲》(Nocturne in c sharp minor)上。我們的版本有兩個版本。一個版本來自蕭邦妹妹路德維卡的手寫本。另一個版本是蕭邦原稿中的一個明顯不同的原始版本,現保存在馬略卡島瓦爾代莫薩的蕭邦博物館中。現在輪到您演奏《鋼琴家》中的樂曲了。這個價格合理的版本摘自《蕭邦夜曲全集》(HN 185)"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ewald Zimmermann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Chopin: Nocturne (version 2) c sharp minor KK IVa,16
Chopin: Nocturne (version 1) c sharp minor KK IVa,16

Roman Polanski's successful film The Pianist has focused attention on the Nocturne in c sharp minor by Chopin. Our edition presents the work in two versions. One derives from the handwritten copy which was owned by Chopin's sister Ludwika. The other is a noticeably different original version found in Chopin's original draft, now preserved in the Chopin Museum in Valldemosa (Mallorca). It is your turn to play the music from The Pianist. This reasonably priced edition is extracted from the volume of complete Chopin Nocturnes (HN 185).
頁數: 8
重量(g): 56.7
UPC: 884088178871