
Johann Baptist Georg Neruda - Sonata in A minor for Violin and Basso Continuo With Marked and Unmarked String Parts 內茹妲 奏鳴曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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$650TWD - $650TWD

過去幾年,人們對波希米亞作曲家約翰-巴蒂斯特-喬治-聶魯達(Johann Baptist Georg Neruda,約 1711-1776 年)的興趣與日俱增,尤其是他的小號協奏曲經常被演奏。聶魯達是一位受人尊敬的小提琴家,也是德累斯頓宮廷管弦樂團的長期成員,但他主要是為小提琴作曲。1982 年,作為 "波希米亞小提琴奏鳴曲"(HN 334)的一部分,他首次出版了這首內容豐富、技術要求極高的 A 小調小提琴奏鳴曲。現在,Henle 很榮幸地將其出版成實用的單行本,並附有新的序言和額外的無標記部分"

作曲家: Johann Baptist Georg Neruda
校訂者: Sonja Gerlach
樂器: Piano; Violin; Basso Continuo
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
There has been increased general interest in the Bohemian composer Johann Baptist Georg Neruda (c. 1711-1776) over the past few years, especially due to his frequently played trumpet concerto. A respected violinist and longstanding member of the Dresden Court Orchestra, he did, however, mainly compose for the violin. The substantial and technically quite demanding Violin Sonata in A minor was published for the first time ever in 1982 as part of the edition “Bohemian Violin Sonatas” (HN 334). Henle is now proud to present it in a practical single edition with a new preface as well as an additional unmarked part.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 164.43
UPC: 884088915346
