
Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses Piano Solo 李斯特 詩與宗教的和諧 鋼琴 亨乐版

$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD
$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD

海頓於 1853 年出版了這部內容豐富的作品集,其中既有華麗的音樂會曲目(《貝涅迪克》和《樂章》),也有部分採用格裡高利調式的簡單短曲。這一卷的創作經歷了漫長的歲月。早在 1835 年,《第 4 號》就出版了具有作曲革新意義的第一版,名為《詩歌與宗教和聲》(Harmonies poétiques et religieuses),取自拉馬丁(Lamartine)的同名詩集。1853年,李斯特放棄了這首重要的早期作品,將其改編成《亡者之筆》(Pensées des morts),形式稍顯平滑,但仍具有相當大的影響力。亨勒在本卷的附錄中重現了這首大膽的早期作品(《悔恨》和《歡樂》分別有 HN 984 和 748 版本)"

作曲家: Franz Liszt
校訂者: Ernst-Günter Heinemann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Liszt: Ave Maria
Liszt: Miserere d'aprËs Palestrina
Liszt: Bndiction de Dieu dans la solitude
Liszt: Pense des morts
Liszt: Pater noster
Liszt: Hymne de l'enfant son rveil
Liszt: Funrailles
Liszt: Cantique d'amour
Liszt: Andante lagrimoso
Liszt: Appendix: Pense des morts (first version)
Liszt: Invocation

The substantial cycle, published in 1853, unites splendid concert pieces (Bénédiction and Funérailles) and simple, short compositions, which partly make use of Gregorian modes. The volume was composed over a long period of time. As early as 1835 No. 4 was published in a compositionally revolutionary first version entitled Harmonies poétiques et religieuses after the volume of poetry with the same title by Lamartine. In 1853 Liszt distanced himself from the important early piece, presenting it in a slightly smoother form as Pensées des morts, although it still had considerable impact. Henle has reproduced the bold early work in the appendix to this volume (Bénédiction and Funérailles are available as separate editions HN 984 and 748).
頁數: 104
重量(g): 413.91
UPC: 884088177591