
Frederic Chopin - Ballades Piano Solo 蕭邦 鋼琴 敘事曲 亨乐版

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836年,蕭邦發表了作品23《民謠》,將 "民謠 "一詞引入鋼琴音樂中,而在此之前,"民謠 "一詞僅用於文學作品和聲樂作品中。事實上,蕭邦的所有四首民謠都具有戲劇故事的特徵:音樂線索在整部作品中的張力與日俱增,並在結尾處達到強烈的高潮。繼 "小圓舞曲 "之後,我們對這一版本進行了全面的重新評估和修訂,以納入最新的學術研究成果。最重要的研究成果記錄在印刷版的評論性文書中;詳細版本可從互聯網上下載"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Norbert Müllemann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Chopin: Ballad f minor op. 52
Chopin: Ballad F major op. 38
Chopin: Ballad g minor op. 23
Chopin: Ballad A flat major op. 47

In 1836 Chopin introduced the term “ballad” into piano music with the publication of his Ballad op. 23, although up to then it had only been used in literature and in vocal music. Indeed, all four of Chopin's ballads have the character of a dramatic story: the musical thread is spun with increasing tension throughout the work, reaching a powerful climax at the end. Following the “Préludes,” we have now thoroughly re-evaluated this edition and revised it to include the latest scholarly findings. The most significant ones are documented in the printed critical apparatus; the detailed version can be downloaded from the Internet.
頁數: 92
重量(g): 365.715
UPC: 884088253035