
Fantasy in F minor Op. 49 Piano Solo 蕭邦 幻想曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$500TWD - $500TWD

長期以來,學者們一直試圖揭開蕭邦獨奏幻想曲的神秘面紗。對於喜歡傳統體裁概念的人來說,這種極具個性的形式令人費解。它是奏鳴曲樂章,還是迴旋曲,甚至是進行曲、朗誦曲或合唱曲等特徵樂章的自由組合?蕭邦的愛好者們無需考慮這些,因為沒有人敢懷疑這首幻想曲是蕭邦筆下最偉大的作品之一。蕭邦在完成這首作品後寫道:"天空是明亮的,但我的心卻被悲傷所折磨"。這種陰鬱的對比充斥著這首幻想曲。無論從哪個角度看,這都是一部傑出的作品,現在通過忠實的 Henle Urtext 版本單獨出版

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Scholars have long been trying to figure out the mystery of Chopin's one and only solo Fantasie. The highly individual form is a puzzle to all who prefer more traditional genre concepts. Is it a sonata movement, a rondo, or even a free combination of character movements such as march, recitative or chorale? Chopin lovers have no need of such considerations, seeing that nobody would ever dare to doubt that this Fantasie is one of the greatest works from his pen. After completing the composition, Chopin wrote “The sky is bright, but my heart is afflicted by sorrow.” This gloomy contrast pervades the Fantasie. It is an exceptional work from every point of view, now provided as a separate publication by way of a faithful Henle Urtext edition.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 884088175160
