
Fantasy D minor K397 (385g) Piano Solo 莫札特 幻想曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

莫札特最受歡迎的鋼琴作品之一《D小調幻想曲》的起源至今仍被蒙在鼓裡。就連莫札特的妹妹在 1807 年通過第一版看到這部作品時,也為發現了一部以前不為人知的如此高品質的作品而感到震驚。幻想曲》最初的形式很可能是一個片段。如今最常演奏的結尾小節源自 1806 年未經授權的印刷品。由於缺乏莫札特親筆所寫的其他樂段或其他授權來源,我們也將這些樂段收錄在我們的版本中。我們的單行本採用了《莫札特鋼琴曲》修訂全集(HN 22 和 9022)中的音樂文本"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Ullrich Scheideler
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Mozart: Fantasy d minor KV 397 (385g)

The genesis of one of Mozart's best-loved piano works, his Fantasy in D minor, is still shrouded in darkness. Even Mozart's sister, who came across the work in 1807 through the first edition, was astounded to have discovered a previously unknown composition of such quality. In its original form the Fantasy was in all probability a fragment. The closing bars that are most frequently performed today originated from an unauthorized print from 1806. We have also included these in our edition due to the lack of any others in Mozart's own hand or any other authorized source. Our single edition was put together using the musical text from the revised complete volume “Mozart Piano Pieces” (HN 22 and 9022).
頁數: 8
重量(g): 56.7
UPC: 884088172602