
Fantasy and Sonata C minor K475/457 Piano Solo 莫札特 幻想曲 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$700TWD - $700TWD

C小調歷來是戲劇、激情、悲愴和痛苦的調式,莫札特著名的C小調奏鳴曲K.457也是如此。這首奏鳴曲是他在 1784 年 10 月創作的,但究竟是什麼引發了這一令人難以置信的 "浪漫 "情感世界的爆發,我們不得而知。半年後,莫札特創作了他的 C 小調幻想曲 K.475,這是一部在各方面都非同尋常的作品。1785 年,這兩部 C 小調作品在一個版本中同時出版,這意味著作者有意違反常規,將它們連在一起。直到 1990 年,《C 小調幻想曲》和《C 小調奏鳴曲》的親筆手稿都已遺失,G. Henle Verlag 在當時的費城重見天日之後,第一時間對文本進行了徹底修訂。在許多情況下,必須對之前已知的音樂文本進行修改,因為到那時為止最重要的資料來源--第一版以及奏鳴曲的授權獻禮本--已被證明是不精確和錯誤的。即使是 "Urtext",偶爾也會有改進"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Mozart: Fantasy and Sonata c minor KV 475/457

C minor is traditionally the key of drama, passion, pathos, and pain, which also applies here in Mozart's famous C Minor Sonata K. 457. He wrote it in October 1784, though what might have triggered this incredible outpouring of a “romantic” world of feeling is unknown. Half a year later, Mozart composed his C Minor Fantasy K. 475, an extraordinary work in every regard. Both of these C minor works were published together in one edition in 1785, meaning that they were intentionally linked together by their author, counter to convention. Until 1990, the autograph manuscripts of the Fantasy and Sonata in C minor were lost, and G. Henle Verlag were the first to undertake a thorough revision of the texts immediately following their re-emergence in Philadephia at that time. In many instances, corrections had to be made to the musical text as previously known, because the most important sources up to that point – the first edition, as well as an authorized dedication copy of the sonata – proved to be imprecise and erroneous. Even an “Urtext” can occasionally be improved.
頁數: 36
重量(g): 158.76
UPC: 884088175405