
Fantaisie-Impromptu C-sharp Minor Op. Post. 66 Edition with Fingering 蕭邦 幻想即興曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$350TWD - $350TWD
$350TWD - $350TWD

通過弗雷德里克-蕭邦的《升 C 小調幻想曲-即興曲》,G. Henle Verlag 公司從這位元浪漫主義鋼琴音樂的核心作曲家最受歡迎的作品中選取了另一首 Urtext 單獨發行。這首悅耳動聽的作品具有最佳的 "浪漫 "意義:在中段讚美詩般的旋律周圍,是由精緻的節奏所產生的暴風雨般的彩虹色瀑布。蕭邦迷很容易就會產生狂想,這並不奇怪!然而,令人驚訝的是,這首至今仍廣為流傳的樂曲在原始資料中卻沒有標題,而且直到作曲家去世後才出版。此外,這首曲子還有兩個版本;我們在單獨的《烏爾托文》版本中同時刊印了這兩個版本,這樣就更容易將它們相互比較了"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ewald Zimmermann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
With Frédéric Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu in C sharp minor, G. Henle Verlag presents a further Urtext separate issue from among the most popular works of this central composer of romantic piano music. This ear-worm is “romantic” in the best sense: stormy, iridescent cascades produced by refined rhythms surround the hymn-like melody of the middle section. It is hardly surprising that Chopin fans easily end up rhapsodizing! What is surprising, however, is that the piece, still so popular today, is untitled in the source materials, and was not published until after the composer's death. Moreover, there exist two versions; we print them both in our individual Urtext edition, which makes it easier to compare them with one another.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 888680683016
