
Etude in C minor Op. 10, No. 12 (Revolution) Piano Solo 蕭邦 練習曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$360TWD - $360TWD

蕭邦的《C小調狂想曲》被稱為 "革命迴旋曲"。根據未經證實的傳說,作曲家寫這首曲子是在 1831 年 9 月,當時波蘭起義被粉碎、華沙被俄軍佔領的消息開始傳播。然而,即使撇開這些題外話不談,這首練習曲以其雷鳴般的跌宕起伏的行板和滾動的左手數字,躋身蕭邦最動人、最具感染力的作品之列。如果您還沒有準備好閱讀蕭邦練習曲全集(HN 124),那麼這本單獨的Urtext版本將為您提供很好的幫助"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Chopin's furioso C minor etude has become famous as the “Revolutionary Etude”. According to unsubstantiated legend, the composer wrote it in September 1831 when news of the crushing of the Polish uprising and the capture of Warsaw by the Russian army began to spread. Yet even independently of such extramusical aspects, the etude, with its thundering, plunging runs and rolling left-hand figures, ranks among Chopin's most moving and empowering works. Those who are not ready to tackle the complete volume of Chopin Etudes (HN 124) will be well served by this separate Urtext edition.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 51.03
UPC: 884088177768
