
Consolations Piano Solo 李斯特 安慰曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

這六首鋼琴小品是李斯特最著名的作品之一,它們相對容易演奏--這在作曲家通常古怪而華麗的作品中實屬罕見。1844 年,李斯特就已經開始創作這組作品,直到 1850 年才得以出版。雖然他已將這些樂曲刻成版,但這一版本從未真正印刷。他將 No. 他用蕭邦夜曲風格的樂曲取代了第一首《匈牙利狂想曲》的前奏曲第3首(這首曲子偶爾會在鋼琴獨奏會上作為安可曲出現),並簡化了其餘曲目。在我們版本的第二部分,我們首次重現了完整的早期版本"

作曲家: Franz Liszt
校訂者: Maria Eckhardt
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Liszt: Six Character Pieces
Liszt: Appendix: Six Character Pieces (First Edition of the first version)

These six little piano pieces are among Liszt's best-known works are are comparatively easy to play – a rarity among the composer's often eccentric and virtuosic works. In 1844 Liszt had already begun work on the cycle that was only published in 1850. Although he had the pieces engraved, this version was never actually printed. He replaced no. 3, a precursor to the first Hungarian Rhapsody, with a piece in the style of a nocturne by Chopin (it can occasionally be heard as an encore at piano recitals), and he simplified the remaining numbers. In the second part of our edition we have reproduced the complete early version for the first time.
頁數: 48
重量(g): 204.12
UPC: 884088176587