
Christus am Ölberge, Op. 85 Study Score 貝多芬 亨乐版

$1,820TWD - $1,820TWD
$1,820TWD - $1,820TWD

作為維也納劇院的新任室內作曲家,貝多芬有機會在 1803 年的耶穌受難日演出清唱劇。在很短的時間內,他就創作出了這一體裁的唯一一部作品。這首清唱劇講述了基督在客西馬尼花園受難和禱告,直至被囚禁的過程。首演之後,第一版的出版商不喜歡弗朗茨-哈威爾-胡貝爾(Franz Xaver Huber)的 "歌劇式 "歌詞,未經授權對文本進行了修改。儘管貝多芬抵制並要求改回原版,但這個新版本還是傳遍了全世界。我們的版本採用了貝多芬為音樂譜寫的原始歌詞,並沿用了《貝多芬全集》中的文本"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Anja Mühlenweg
樂器: Score
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
As the new house composer at the Theater an der Wien, Beethoven had an opportunity to perform an oratorio during Passiontide in 1803. In a very short space of time he drew up his one and only work for this genre. It deals with Christ's suffering and prayer in the garden of Gethsemane until he is taken prisoner. Following the première, the publisher of the first edition, who disliked the “operatic” libretto by Franz Xaver Huber, had an unauthorized revision of the texts undertaken. Although Beethoven resisted and demanded that it should be changed back to the original, this new version spread throughout the world. Our edition presents the work with the original libretto that Beethoven set to music and following the text in the Beethoven Complete Edition.

頁數: 245
重量(g): 481.95
UPC: 884088473990
