
Chamber Music with Piano Study Score 莫札特 室內樂鋼琴 總譜 亨乐版

$5,430TWD - $5,430TWD
$5,430TWD - $5,430TWD

除了 K. 452 五重奏之外,本作品集中的所有曲目都是首次以 Henle Urtext 研究版的形式出版。鋼琴與小提琴作品集》共 400 多頁,不僅收錄了奏鳴曲,還收錄了變奏曲。鋼琴三重奏由部分版編輯專門為這一研究版進行了大量修訂"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Mozart: Quintet K. 452 for Piano and Wind Instruments and Harmonica Quintet K. 617 û HN 9665
Mozart: Piano Trios û HN 9247
Mozart: Piano Quartets û HN 9196
Mozart: Works for Piano and Violin - HN 9080

Aside from the Quintet K. 452, all of the titles in this collection are being published for the first time as study editions in Henle Urtext. The volume “Works for Piano and Violin”, which comprises over 400 pages, not only contains the sonatas but also the variations. The piano trios were extensively revised by the editor of the part edition especially for this study edition.
頁數: 920
重量(g): 1831.41
UPC: 884088183356