
Andante F Major for a Musical Clock K616 Piano Solo 莫札特 行板 鋼琴 亨乐版

$520TWD - $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD

各種類型的自動裝置,包括音樂自動裝置,都曾在 18 世紀的 "藝術櫥櫃 "中一舉成名,櫥櫃中特別展示了配備發條氣缸和風箱裝置的音樂鐘。鐘錶匠經常邀請著名作曲家為這種鐘錶譜曲。卡爾-菲力浦-伊曼紐爾-巴赫(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach)、海頓(Haydn)、莫札特(Mozart)和其他許多人都因此創作了一些小作品。莫札特為 Flötenuhr K. 594、608 和 Andante K. 616 創作的三首作品就是這些文學作品中的璀璨明珠,其中也包括這裡介紹的鋼琴改編曲"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Bertha Antonia Wallner
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Automata of all types, including musical automata, had their moment of fame in the 18th century, in “art cabinets” that exhibited, inter alia, musical clocks equipped with a wind-up cylinder and a bellows mechanism. Clockmakers often invited celebrated composers to write pieces for such a clock. This led to the composition of little works by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Haydn, Mozart and many others. Mozart's three works for the Flötenuhr K. 594, 608 and the Andante K. 616 are nothing less than pearls of this literature, which also includes the arrangement for piano presented here.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 53.865
UPC: 884088174309
