
Symphony No. 6 2nd Movement 柴科夫斯基,彼得 交響曲 樂章

來自 Alfred Music
$2,400TWD - $2,400TWD
$2,400TWD - $2,400TWD

理查-邁耶(Richard Meyer)編曲的柴可夫斯基第六也是最後一部交響曲中的第二樂章,展現了柴可夫斯基最佳的旋律。這首優雅的 5/4 拍華爾滋一直深受觀眾喜愛,也是向學生們介紹這種經常被忽視的時間標記的絕佳方式。有趣的配器特點是管樂和絃樂相輔相成,樂隊的兩部分輪流演奏旋律和伴奏。陰鬱沉悶的三重奏部分將讓您的學生以完全不同的方式表達情感。五個打擊樂聲部被巧妙地編織在音樂織錦中。這位交響樂大師正處於其能力的巔峰時期,這首精選曲目必將展示學生們的最佳水準。(6:20)

作曲家: Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
改編者: Richard Meyer
樂器: Full Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2.5; -2.5
風格: Masterwork
The second movement from his sixth and last symphony finds Tchaikovsky at his melodic best, arranged by Richard Meyer. This elegant "waltz" in 5/4 meter has long been a favorite of audiences and is an excellent way to introduce your students to a too often neglected time signature. The interesting instrumentation features winds and strings complementing each other as the two halves of the orchestra take turns playing the melody and accompanying. The brooding and somber Trio section will allow your students to emote in an entirely different way. Five percussion parts have been tastefully weaved into the musical tapestry. From a master of symphonic expression at the height of his abilities, this selection is sure to showcase the best your students have to offer. (6:20)

頁數: 163
重量(g): 816.466266
ISBN: 9781470645540
UPC: 38081561219
