
Habanera From Carmen 卡門

來自 Alfred Music
$2,400TWD - $2,400TWD
$2,400TWD - $2,400TWD

查德-邁耶編曲的喬治-比才的《卡門》中的 "哈巴涅拉"(Habanera)將為您的學生提供一個機會,表演這部著名歌劇中最耳熟能詳的場景之一。在這首原汁原味、極具可玩性的編曲中,曲調在各聲部之間傳遞,讓每個人都參與其中,而簡單的半音階線條、調性的變化和頻繁的動態對比則提供了絕佳的教學機會。多個打擊樂聲部為這首曲子增添了異國情調,它必將成為學生們最喜愛的曲目之一!(3:30)

作曲家: Georges Bizet (1838 1875)
改編者: Richard Meyer
樂器: Full Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2.5; -2.5
風格: Masterwork
Habanera from Carmen by Georges Bizet, arranged by Richard Meyer, will give your students an opportunity to perform one of the most familiar scenes from that famous opera. In this authentic sounding and very playable arrangement, the tune is passed from section to section to keep everyone involved, and the simple chromatic lines, changes in key signature, and frequent dynamic contrasts provide great teaching opportunities. Multiple percussion parts add to the exotic texture of what is sure to become one of your students' favorite selections! (3:30)


頁數: 212
重量(g): 793.7866475
UPC: 38081555232
