
Christmas Comes Again . . . in About Three Minutes 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$280TWD - $280TWD
$280TWD - $280TWD

在這首構思精巧的混合曲中,包含了 18 首耳熟能詳的季節曲調,一定會讓您的十二月觀眾大飽耳福。熟悉的頌歌和最受歡迎的器樂曲完美地融合在一起,採用了適中的音域和平易近人的節奏。每隔四至八小節,樂曲的情緒就會發生變化,豐富多彩,正如本系列一樣,這部作品既可以由弦樂團演奏,也可以由完整的管弦樂隊演奏

作曲家: Traditional
改編者: Mark Weston, transcr. and scored by Douglas E. Wagner
樂器: Full Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2.5; -2.5
Eighteen instantly recognizable tunes of the season are packed into this brilliantly conceived medley, sure to delight your December audiences. Familiar carols and instrumental favorites come together in a seamless scoring that utilizes moderate ranges and accessible rhythms. Variety and color abound with the mood changing every four to eight measures, and as is the case with this series, the work may be effectively performed by string as well as full orchestras.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 408.233133
UPC: 38081278933
