
The Singing Flute How to develop an expressive tone. A melody book for flautists 格拉夫 長笛 音 旋律 長笛教材 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

什麼是長笛演奏中的 "好 "音色?它肯定不僅僅是 "乾淨"(即不會產生很多不需要的聲音)、"多彩"(具有足夠的音色)、"靈活"(能夠進行動態調整)或只是一個真正的大音調。瑞士著名長笛演奏家格拉夫(P.-L. Graf)認為,音色的產生本身不應被視為美學目的,而應主要被視為一種活生生的表達方式和 "音樂 "活動。在這本練習冊中,他從長笛和歌劇曲目中挑選了 3x7 個例子,通過三組主題進行練習:1.) 以鋼琴的動態進行伴奏,2.) 動態的靈活性和音色的變化,3.) 聲音的飽滿度和強度。這為從學生到專業演奏家的所有長笛演奏者提供了集中訓練"

作曲家: Graf, Peter-Lukas
樂器: flute
出版社: Schott Music

Vorwort: Akustischer und musikalischer Ton - Einführung - dolce-cantabile-pinao - Flexibilität - sonore-forte

What is a “good” tone in flute playing? Surely it must be more than just “clean” (ie not producing many unwanted sounds), “colourful” (with adequate timbre), “flexible” (able to produce dynamic adjustments) or just a really big tone. The well-known Swiss flautist P.-L. Graf is concerned that the production of tone should not be seen as an aesthetic end in itself, but chiefly as a living means of expression and as a “musical” event. In this practice volume he has picked 3x7 examples from the flute and operatic repertoire in order to work through three sets of themes: 1.) cantabile playing at a piano dynamic, 2.) dynamic flexibility and variation of tone colour, 3.) fullness and intensity of sound. This offers concentrated training for all flautists, from student through to professional player.
語言: German - English - French
頁數: 30
重量(g): 230
ISMN: 9790001135047
ISBN: 9783795757519