
For the contemporary flutist Twelve studies for the flute with explanations in the supplement 長笛 長笛教材 齊默爾曼版

$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD
$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD

奧弗曼斯關於當代長笛技巧的著名練習曲集,1993 年榮獲美國國家長笛協會新出版音樂委員會大獎。這些練習曲不僅能幫助長笛演奏者加深對當代長笛演奏的瞭解,還能幫助他們全面發展呼吸、身體運用和長笛音色"

作曲家: Offermans, Wil
樂器: flute
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann

Wind tones - Harmonics - Difference tones - Bamboo tones - Multiphics - Whisper tones - Singing unisono and parallel - Polyphonic singing - Diverse - Circular breathing - Flute and movement - Graphic Notation & Improvisation

Offermans’ famous etude book concerning comtemporary flute techniques, which has been awarded by the Newly Published Music Committee of the National Flute Association, USA in 1993. These studies can help flutists not only to deepen their knowledge about contemporary flute playing, but also to develop breathing, use-of-body and flute-sound in general.
語言: German - English
頁數: 64
重量(g): 240
ISMN: 9790010297002
ISBN: 9783921729625