
24 Progressive studies in all keys on the principal difficulties 長笛教材 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

塔法內爾的長笛演奏、他對長笛音樂的貢獻以及他的教育工作都是傳奇性的。他的學生中有法國最偉大的長笛演奏家,如弗勒裡、巴雷爾、莫伊塞和菲力浦-高貝。法國長笛教學法的權威教科書《長笛教學法》(Méthode complète de flûte)是塔法內爾與他的得意門生、後來音樂學院的繼任者高貝合作編寫的。塔法內爾去世後,高貝完成並出版了這本教材。現在,《長笛練習曲全集》中的這 24 個漸進式練習曲首次在該練習曲之外出版,涵蓋了長笛演奏的所有主要技術方面,是高年級學生和音樂愛好者的理想之選

作曲家: Gaubert, Philippe / Taffanel, Claude-Paul
編者: Albrecht, Stefan
樂器: flute
出版社: Schott Music

Register der spieltechnischen Schwerpunkte: Geläufigkeit - Dynamik - Artikulation - Klangführung - Verzierungen - Zweistimmigkeit - Spieltechnische Hinweise zu den einzelnen Etüden: Allegretto - Moderato - Moderato - Andantino - Andante - Moderato - Andante - Moderato - Moderato - Andante - Moderato quasi Allegretto - Andante - Allegro - Moderato espressivo - Moderato - Moderato - Allegro vivo - Quasi lento - Moderato - Moderato esspressivo - Allegretto grazioso - Allegro - Allegro moderato - Vivo

Taffanel's flute playing, his merits for the flute music and his educational work are legendary. Among his pupils were the greatest French flautists, such as Fleury, Barrère, Moyse and Philippe Gaubert. The authoritative textbook of the French flute method, Méthode complète de flûte, was created by Taffanel in collaboration with Gaubert, his favourite pupil and later successor at the Conservatoire. It was finished and published by Gaubert after Taffanel's death. These 24 progressive studies from the Méthode complète de flûte have now been made available outside the method for the first time, covering all major technical aspects of flute playing and thus being ideal for advanced pupils, students and ambitious music lovers.
頁數: 36
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790001176262