
Chamber Music No. 4 op. 36/3 (Violin Concerto) 辛德密特 室內樂 小提琴 總譜 歐伊倫堡版

$1,150TWD - $1,150TWD
$1,150TWD - $1,150TWD

室內樂作品是欣德米特 20 年代最成功的器樂作品之一。在《第一號室內樂》的世界首演中,觀眾甚至要求重複第三和第四樂章。但標題有誤導之嫌: 單個樂章與其說是向室內樂傳統低頭,不如說是帶有協奏曲和獨奏曲的標記。第 6 號室內樂集中表現了中提琴的演奏技巧,儘管演奏技巧嫺熟,但在管弦樂的背景下,幾件獨立樂器的演奏卻給它帶來了挑戰

作曲家: Hindemith, Paul
編者: Schubert, Giselher
樂器: violin solo and large chamber orchestra
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH

1. Signal · 2. Sehr lebhaft · 3. Nachtstück · 4. Lebhafte Viertel · 5. So schnell wie möglich

The chamber music works are among Hindemith's most successful instrumental works of the 1920s. At the world premiere of Chamber Music No. 1, the audience even demanded a repetition of the third and fourth movements. But the title is misleading: The individual pieces rather have concertante soloistic features than bow to chamber music traditions. Not least the epithet Violin Concerto in the title of Chamber Music No. 4 refers to that fact.
頁數: 118
重量(g): 190
ISMN: 9790200225815
ISBN: 9783795772161
UPC: 841886015845