
The Drumset Style Resource A Comprehensive Guide to Exploring New Techniques and Styles from Hip-Hop to Jazz 風格 爵士音樂

來自 Alfred Music
$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

你已經學習了鼓的基礎知識,現在是時候探索新的風格和技巧,幫助你成為一個全面的、知識更豐富的演奏者了。通過《The Drumset Style Resource》,您將接觸到各種音樂影響,説明您創造出獨特、新穎、激動人心的聲音。你將發現培養良好手部控制能力的秘訣,瞭解重要的演奏家,練習閱讀技巧,並演奏多種不同風格的基本鼓點。深入探索新概念,釋放你內在的音樂潛能。隨書附贈的 CD 清晰地演示了書中的音樂示例。* 探索從搖滾、爵士到雷鬼和非洲-古巴的各種風格 * 學習熱身運動和手杆控制練習,以提高你的技巧 * 掌握發展堅實、連貫的旋律的技巧 * 提供練習,為視奏做準備 * 包括如何提高計時的實用技巧

作曲家: Pete Sweeney
樂器: Drumset
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Jazz; Reggae; Rock
You've learned the basics of the drumset, so now it's time to explore new styles and techniques to help you become a well-rounded and more knowledgeable player. With The Drumset Style Resource, you will be exposed to a variety of musical influences that will help you create a unique, original, and exciting sound. You'll discover secrets for developing good hand control, learn about important players, work on reading skills, and play essential grooves in many different styles. Dig in and explore new concepts that will unleash your inner musical potential. The included CD clearly demonstrates the musical examples in the book. * Explore a wide variety of styles from rock and jazz to reggae and Afro-Cuban * Learn warm-ups and stick-control exercises to improve your technique * Master techniques for developing a solid, consistent groove * Features exercises to prepare you for sight-reading * Includes practical tips on how to improve your timekeeping

試聽: Listen to Drum n Bass Beats

頁數: 96
重量(g): 317.514659
ISBN: 9780739089118
UPC: 38081439877
