
Afro-Cuban Big Band Play-Along for Drumset/Percussion 大樂隊 擊樂器

來自 Alfred Music
$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

非洲-古巴大樂隊伴奏》一書和 CD 為鼓手/打擊樂手提供了在大樂隊環境中演奏當代非洲-古巴音樂的機會。這本書和 CD 光碟包括六張選自格萊美獎獲獎作品加勒比爵士樂專案專輯《Afro-Bop Alliance》(戴夫-薩繆爾斯主唱)的樂譜。除去鼓/打擊樂部分,這些曲目將為演奏者提供獨奏和嘗試各種節奏和/或風格變化的機會"

作曲家: Joe McCarthy
樂器: Drumset
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Latin; Multicultural; World
The Afro-Cuban Big Band Play-Along book and CD gives the drummer/percussionist an opportunity to play contemporary Afro-Cuban music in a big band setting. The book and CD includes six charts from the Grammy® Award-winning Caribbean Jazz Project album, Afro-Bop Alliance (featuring Dave Samuels). The tracks, minus the drum/percussion parts, will give the player an opportunity to solo and experiment with a variety of groove and/or style variations.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 158.7573295
ISBN: 9780739057223
UPC: 38081343754
