
Andrea Chenier 總譜

來自 Dover
$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD
$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD

二十世紀中葉,翁貝托-焦爾達諾已成為歌劇創作中 "現實主義"(verismo)流派的領軍人物,其重要性可與萊昂卡瓦洛和馬斯卡尼相媲美。如今,他的名聲只停留在 1896 年首演的一部作品《安德莉亞-謝尼埃》上。該劇根據一位元法國詩人的生平改編,故事在法國大革命的騷動中展開,緊張而富有戲劇性。該劇的靈感來源於現實生活中的一位詩人,他最初是大革命的狂熱支持者,但後來公開反對暴民統治的暴力。安德莉亞-謝尼埃(Andrea Chénier)講述了詩人與一位年輕貴族的愛情,以及與他的戰友和浪漫情敵之間的衝突。這部作品是世界各地歌劇院的主打曲目,在此推出的是大畫幅版本,經久耐用,價格適中"

作曲家: Umberto Giordano
樂器: Voice
出版社: Dover Publications
風格: Masterwork
By the middle of the twentieth century, Umberto Giordano had established himself as a leading figure in the verismo (realistic) school of opera composition, rivaling Leoncavallo and Mascagni in importance. Today his fame rests on a single work, Andrea Chénier, first performed in 1896. Based on the life of a French poet, the intense and dramatic story unfolds amid the tumult of the French Revolution. The real-life figure who inspired this drama was initially a fervent supporter of the Revolution but spoke out against the violence of mob rule. Andrea Chénier recounts the poet's love for a young aristocrat and the conflict with his comrade and romantic rival, with whom he is honor-bound to fight a duel. A staple of opera houses all over the world, the work appears here in a large-format, durable, and modestly priced edition.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 215.90996812
ISBN: 9780486493893
UPC: 9780486493893
