
Fanfare from La Péri 號曲

$5,270TWD - $5,270TWD
$5,270TWD - $5,270TWD

保羅-杜卡斯(Paul Dukas,1865-1935 年)是一位缺乏自信、非常自我批評的作曲家。因此,他銷毀了除七部大作品和五部小作品之外的所有手稿。幸運的是,他保留了他現在最著名的作品--交響小夜曲《巫師的學徒》L'renti sorcier。他還差點毀掉自己的芭蕾舞音樂手稿La Peri(《仙女》)。不過,他的朋友搶救了他的手稿。因此,我們現在仍能欣賞到這首最初作為芭蕾舞劇開場曲的華麗樂曲。這首美妙的音樂會樂隊曲目將成為任何音樂會的開場曲目"

作曲家: Paul Dukas
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: De Haske Publications
Paul Dukas (1865-1935) was a composer who had little self-confidence and was very self-critical. As a result of this he destroyed the manuscripts of all but seven large and five small works. Luckily he kept what is now his best know composition, the symphonic scherzo L'apprenti sorcier (The Sorcerer's Apprentice). He also came very close to destroying the manuscript of his ballet music La Peri (The Fairy). This was however rescued by his friends. Thus we can still enjoy this magnificent fanfare which was originally used as an opener for the ballet. This fabulous transcription for concert band will make a great opening item for any concert.
難度: 4

頁數: 0
重量(g): 377.055
尺寸(cm): 29.845cm*20.955cm
UPC: 884088078935
