
Time Remembered Grade 3 - Score and Parts

來自 Anglo Music
$7,740TWD - $7,740TWD
$7,740TWD - $7,740TWD

利普-斯派克說:"《時間銘記》的最初構思是作為一部千禧年作品,它的確是,但菲力浦-斯派克認為,與其在眾多慶祝第三個千禧年的作品中再添新作,不如思考一下生命中與我們始終相伴的方面,如信仰和哲學,而不是 2000 年帶來的令人興奮的變化。這首平靜的冥想之作將為任何一場音樂會帶來片刻的寧靜和思考"

作曲家: Philip Sparke
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Anglo Music
The initial idea for Time Remembered was as a millenium piece, which it is, but rather than add to the many celebratory pieces that have understandably been written to salute the third millenium, Philip Sparke thought it would perhaps be appropriate to think about the aspects of life that are constantly with us, such as faith and philosophy, rather than the exciting changes that the year 2000 has brought. This calm meditative work will bring a moment of serenity and reflection to any concert.
難度: 3

頁數: 0
重量(g): 564.165
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
UPC: 073999038057
