
The Hunt for Concert Band 柴科夫斯基.彼得 管樂團 套譜

$2,800TWD - $2,800TWD
$2,800TWD - $2,800TWD

柴可夫斯基在創作膾炙人口的芭蕾舞劇《天鵝湖》時,創作了十二首鋼琴獨奏曲《四季》四季中的每首樂曲都描繪了俄羅斯一年中不同的月份。最初出版的《九月:九月:狩獵的開頭附有亞歷山大-普希金(Alexander Pushkin)的一首小詩。南森-鐘斯(Nathan Jones)為交響樂隊改編的這首充滿活力的樂曲以管樂和銅管樂的八度大合唱開場。柴可夫斯基多姿多彩的和聲在此娓娓道來,一閃而過的半音階為音樂增色不少。在安靜的中段,扇形主題發生了變化,仍然轉為小調式,長笛、巴松管、小號、木琴和雙簧管(長笛提示)都有簡短的獨奏段落。樂曲巧妙地轉入開頭的扇形樂章,音符在幾個調上跳躍,最後以大調結束,並重現了最初的主題

作曲家: Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Southern Music Co.
Tchaikovsky composed his twelve character pieces for piano, The Seasons, while he was writing his popular ballet, Swan Lake. Each piece in The Seasons depicts a different month of the year in Russia. The original publication of September: The Hunt included an epigraph at the start of the piece-a small poem by Alexander Pushkin. This energetic arrangement for symphonic band by Nathan Jones opens with an octave fanfare between the winds and brass. Tchaikovsky's colorful harmony speaks here, with passing chromaticism adding color to the music. The fanfare theme is transformed in the quiet central section, still shifting to the minor mode with short solo passages for flute, bassoon, trumpet, xylophone and oboe (cued in flutes). The segue back into the opening fanfare is clever, with the notes leading through several keys before concluding in the major with a short reprise of the initial theme.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
重量(g): 881.685
EAN: 9781705171912
UPC: 196288087519

