
Symphonic Band Technique (S.B.T.) Trombone 長號 管樂團

$440TWD - $440TWD
$440TWD - $440TWD

本書中的 167 個練習幾乎涵蓋了樂隊和管樂合奏技術學習的方方面面,從音準和音質的基礎知識到流暢性的提高。練習包括每 2-4 小節的排練字母,以節省排練時間並方便 "迴圈 "練習。(包括湯姆-C-羅茲(Tom C. Rhodes)和唐納德-比爾森克(Donald Bierschenk)的補充材料)

作曲家: John Victor
改編者: John Victor
樂器: Concert Band; Trombone
出版社: Southern Music Co.
Compiled from the celebrated Victor Method and useful for both full ensembles and individual study, the 167 exercises in this book cover virtually every aspect of technical study for bands and wind ensembles, from the basics of intonation and tone quality to increased fluency. Exercises include rehearsal letters every 2-4 measures to save rehearsal time and allow for easy practice “loops.” (Includes additional material by Tom C. Rhodes and Donald Bierschenk)
難易度: 3

頁數: 32
重量(g): 127.575
EAN: 9781581062946
UPC: 884088705442
