
Euterpe Concertino for Flute and Wind Band 小協奏曲 長笛 管樂隊

$10,490TWD - $10,490TWD
$10,490TWD - $10,490TWD

音樂是人類生活中不可或缺的元素。在大自然中,我們看到了這一原則的本質體現。柏拉圖把宇宙想像成一個'活的動物',所有部分都和諧地聯繫在一起。從這個角度來看,宇宙構成了一個大五角星,其中所有的音符都完美地流淌在一起。我們每天聽到的聲音就證明了這一點。金絲雀嘰嘰喳喳的叫聲、火苗劈啪作響的聲音、瀑布淅淅瀝瀝落在石頭上閃閃發光的聲音、蛇發出的嘎吱嘎吱的聲音,甚至是沙漠的寂靜,都是 Euterpe(音樂的繆斯女神)的表達。何不讓您的長笛演奏家在這部重要的獨奏新作中大放異彩呢

作曲家: Ferrer Ferran
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: De Haske Publications
Music is an indispensable element in the lives of human beings. In nature, we see the essence of this principle reflected. Plato imagined that cosmos as a 'live animal' all parts connected in harmony. From this point of view, the universe forms a large pentagram in which all notes flow together perfectly. This is demonstrated by the sounds we hear every day. The twittering of a canary, the crackling of fire, the sparkle of a waterfall pattering and falling on stones, the rattle of a snake that takes on a threatening attitude, or even the silence of the desert are expressions of Euterpe (the muse of music). Why not let your flauist shine with this major new solo work.
難度: 4

頁數: 0
重量(g): 992.25
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
UPC: 884088079017
