
The Ringing Isle

來自 Faber Music
$3,600TWD - $3,600TWD
$3,600TWD - $3,600TWD

亨德爾稱英國為'鈴聲之島',因為當他搬到倫敦時,他聽到到處都有鐘聲響起:教堂塔樓上的大鐘,以及他拜訪的一些私人住宅中的手鈴。人們 "敲響變化 "的聲音是英國特有的歡慶之音,這似乎是一首讚美英國音樂生活的樂曲的良好起點。在《鈴聲之島》中,多夫融入了一些傳統的變奏曲式,包括 "Grandire Doubles"、"Oxford Treble Bob Minor "和他自己版本的 "Plain Bob Major"。亨德爾的這句話也讓人聯想到一個神奇的島嶼,因此多夫設想了從遠洋航行接近英國時的情景"

作曲家: Dove, Jonathan
樂器: Wind Band
出版社: Faber Music
Handel called Britain ‘the ringing isle’ because when he moved to London, he heard bells ringing everywhere: great bells in church towers, and handbells in some of the first private houses he visited. The sound of people ‘ringing the changes’ is a peculiarly British sound of celebration, and it seems a good starting point for a piece celebrating British musical life. Within The Ringing Isle, Dove incorporates some traditional change-ringing patterns, from ‘Grandsire Doubles’, ‘Oxford Treble Bob Minor’ and his own version of ‘Plain Bob Major’. Handel’s phrase also conjures up an image of a magical island, and so this is how Dove envisaged how it must have been to approach Britain from an ocean voyage.

頁數: 200
重量(g): 1182
EAN: 9780571566105
