
A Thames Journey

來自 Faber Music
$3,600TWD - $3,600TWD
$3,600TWD - $3,600TWD

泰晤士河之旅》是一部 10 分鐘的作品,講述了泰晤士河從起源於威爾特郡的幾滴水到匯入大海的旅程。赫斯借鑒了泰晤士河沿岸的許多音樂元素,如威爾特郡的古老旋律、牛津郡的莫里斯舞、伯克郡的划船之歌等。由於音樂來源豐富多樣,橫跨數個郡和數個世紀,這首曲子成為赫斯迄今為止最受歡迎的管樂作品之一,也就很容易理解了"

作曲家: Hess, Nigel
樂器: Wind Band
出版社: Faber Music
A Thames Journey is a 10-minute work which follows the journey of the river Thames, from its origins as a few drops of water in Wiltshire to the point where it meets the open sea. Hess draws upon many musical links along the Thames, such as an old Wiltshire melody, morris dancing in Oxfordshire, boating songs from Berkshire. With such rich and diverse sources of music across several counties and centuries, this has quite understandably become one of Hess's most popular wind band works to date.

頁數: 216
重量(g): 1355
EAN: 9780571558667
